
Tabmatic is committed to your privacy. Because of the nature of this platform, there is some data we need to collect about you.

Tabmatic also allows tournament directors significant control over the nature of their tournaments. Because of this, only some of the information here may apply to you. Contact the tournament director to learn more about their specific settings.


For inquries relating to the current tournament, you can email the tournament's designated contact.

For inquries about Tabmatic itself, you can email

Data Locality

Your data is stored within the United States in DigitalOcean's NYC3 datacenter. Because of the nature of worldwide CDNs, videos uploaded to Tabmatic may be stored in countries that are not the United States.

Your Rights

We honor all requests to delete your information. Contact our privacy inbox to request account deletion:

We can also give you all information we have about you. Contact our privacy inbox to request this:


Tabmatic uses cookies to allow you to authenticate your session. This allows you to sign into your account and participate in tournaments hosted on the platform.

We also store your browser's timezone in a cookie for all users, authenticated or not. This allows us to show you times in your own timezone automatically.


Tabmatic does not use any targeted tracking, such as Google Analytics.

Information We Collect

We collect the following information only for the purpose of operating the platform and at the descretion of the tournament director.

- Our Logs

Tabmatic collects the following information from all visitors:

  • Your computer's current public IP address
  • Your browser's user agent
  • Your browser's timezone

This information is stored in access logs on Tabmatic's servers indefinitely. For authenticated users, your timezone is also stored in Tabmatic's database.

- Your Account Information

Tabmatic collects the following potentially personally identifiable information information when you register:

  • Your name
  • Your Email address
  • Your school/team affiliation

This information is stored in Tabmatic's database indefinitely. This data is shared with the tournament staff for the purposes of operating the tournament.

Your name may be posted publicly on the tournament's Public Postings page.

Likewise, Tabmatic shares your name with the following:

  • Competitors in your rounds
  • Judges in your rounds
  • Tournament staff

- User Generated Content

During the course of the tournament, Tabmatic also collects the following potentially personally identifiable information:

  • Uploaded or recorded videos
    Depending on the tournament settings, these videos may be visible to all registered users, competitors in your round, judges in your round, and all tournament staff.
  • Thumbnails of submitted YouTube videos
  • Text comments posted on videos
    Depending on the tournament settings, these comments may be visible to all registered users, competitors in your round, and all tournament staff.
  • Reports of text comments on videos
    These reports will be visible to the tournament staff.
  • Feedback given from judges to competitors, including one-on-one feedback and section feedback (i.e., ballots). This feedback includes textual comments, scores, and rankings.
    All feedback is visible to: your teams coach(es), your judges, and the tournament staff.

This information is stored in Tabmatic's database or on the DigitalOcean Spaces CDN until the tournament director deletes the tournament.

Third Party Services

At the tournament director's descretion, Tabmatic can integrate with some third-party services. These include:

Tabmatic also uses Twillio SendGrid to deliver and receive emails.